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Chinese Gardens

Chinese Gardens

КнигиКниги Рейтинг публикации: 0 (голосов: 0)  
Китайские сады в различных городах. Книга демонстрирует изысканность дизайнов традиционных садов.

The book is an attempt to introduce Chinese gardens in various cities from unique professional perspectives, demonstrating the exquisiteness of traditional gardens in an effort to present the skilful and elaborate designs.
The Chinese gardens presented here are classified in three categories: Traditional Chinese private gardens, Historic Chinese gardens in modern time, and Newly-built Chinese gardens. Traditional Chinese private gardens value harmony between man and nature.

Название: Chinese Gardens
Автор: by Yu Sui (Editor), Wei Xun (Editor)
Жанр: Дом и сад
Год: 2011
Страниц: 256
Формат: pdf (оригинал)
Язык: English - Английский
Размер: 90 Mb
  • Добавлено: 02/03/2024
  • Автор: Reina
  • Просмотрено: 9
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Общий размер публикации: 88,51 МБ
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