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Paper Home. Beautifully Unique Origami Projects

Paper Home. Beautifully Unique Origami Projects

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Красиво: cделайте 15 потрясающих проектов оригами для вашего дома!

Although rooted in traditional shapes and techniques, Esther Thorpe’s origami designs have an altogether modern and beautifully graphic aesthetic. Her striking items appear more intricate than they actually are, and are perfect for easing novices into the craft and building their skills. Featuring 15 projects of varying levels of difficulty, Thorpe’s richly illustrated first book includes everything from a simple Triangular Box and Star Garland to a vase using sonobe origami modules; a child’s mobile; a set of “feltigami” storage baskets, and an incredibly impressive concertina lampshade.

Название: Paper Home. Beautifully Unique Origami Projects
Автор: Esther Thorpe
Жанр: Хобби и развлечение, Оригами
Год: February 7, 2017
Страниц: 144 (по описанию книги)
Формат: ePub
Язык: English
Размер: 49,2 mb
  • Добавлено: 01/04/2024
  • Автор: Reina
  • Просмотрено: 20
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Общий размер публикации: 49,24 МБ
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