«Музыка Леса» - проект почти во всем уникальный, потому что выставленные в нем сборники музыки владеют воистину непередаваемой «фэнтезийной» атмосферой сказочности и таинственности. Древние народные мелодии, пронизанные духом ушедших времен, музыка современных фолк-групп и саундтреки из разных игр и кинофильмов позволяют яснее почувствовать близость природы и погрузиться в волнующий мир магии, путешествий и приключений – того, чего так не хватает в наше время. У «Музыки Леса» есть одна особенность - хоть какой человек может прислать музыку, которая, по его воззрению, достойна находиться в сборнике, и Патриарх Мифограда отберет самые наилучшие композиции, которые позволяют полнее почувствовать атмосферу природы и ощутить привкус старины. Таким макаром также поддерживается обилие, и каждый новый сборник является новейшей историей о странствиях и свершениях, который любой из нас может совершить в собственном воображении.
Исполнитель: Various Artist
Название: Музыка Леса - Золотое Собрание (7CD)
Дата релиза: 2010-2014
Жанр: Folk, relax, instrumental
Количество композиций: 701
Формат | Качество: MP3 | 112-320 Кбит/с
Продолжительность: 42:15:10
Размер: 3.56 GB (+3%)
Музыка Леса - I - Небесная лютня (2010)
001 - Adam Skorupa - Tales of the Witcher.
002 - Celtic Heart - Aingeal An Oileain.
003 - Alizbar - Dwarves' songs in hobbit's hole.
004 - Art of Magic - Main Theme.
005 - Art of Magic - Credits.
006 - Beyond Divinity - After grate war.
007 - Beltaine - Bring to the Boil.
008 - Celtic Heart - Brian Boru's March.
009 - Civilization IV - Fall from Heaven 2 - Conquests Fantasy.
010 - Celtic Heart - Dainty Davie.
011 - DarkStone - Город.
012 - Diablo - Тристрам.
013 - Diablo II - Лагерь Бродяг.
014 - Diablo II - Coda.
015 - Diablo II - Roger and Me.
016 - Diablo II - Лут Голейн.
017 - Diablo II - Харрогат.
018 - Disciples II - Столица Империи.
019 - Disciples II - Столица Эльфийского Союза.
020 - Disciples III - Империя.
021 - Disciples III - Альянс Эльфов.
022 - Divinity II - Ego Draconis - Main Theme.
023 - Divinity II - Ego Draconis - Lullabies for Your Inner Dragon.
024 - Divinity II - Ego Draconis - Sunflower.
025 - Dragon Age - Origins - I Am The One.
026 - Duan - Skellige.
027 - Dungeon Siege II - Restoration.
028 - Eragon - Roran Leaves.
029 - Folque - Harpa.
030 - Garmarna - Varulven.
031 - Heart Of Eternity - Baron Castle.
032 - Heart Of Eternity - Elf Vocal.
033 - Heroes of Might & Magic IV - Сredits.
034 - Heroes of Might & Magic IV - Elves Town.
035 - Heroes of Might & Magic IV - Grass [mix].
036 - Heroes of Might & Magic V - Credits.
037 - Heroes of Might & Magic V - Grass.
038 - Celtic Heart - King William's March.
039 - Lothlorien - Danc En Dro.
040 - Lothlorien - The sweetest joy.
041 - Lothlorien - A-Souling.
042 - M.Carrozo - Sweet Laura.
043 - Marcin Przyby owicz - Trial of Herbs.
044 - Neverwinter Nights - The Heart of Forest.
045 - Neverwinter Nights 2 - Neverwinter City.
046 - Neverwinter Nights 2 - Tavern.
047 - Neverwinter Nights 2 - Mask of the Betrayer - Veil.
048 - Neverwinter Nights 2 - Storm of Zehir - Tavern swordcoast (vox).
049 - Nox - Деревня Икс.
050 - Nox - Брин.
051 - Nox - Башня Галава.
052 - Nox - Поля Славы.
053 - The Elder Scrolls IV - Oblivion - Watchman's Ease.
054 - Prince Of Persia - Main theme.
055 - Prince Of Persia - A fight of Light & Darkness.
056 - Prince of Persia - Healing Ground.
057 - Prince Of Persia - The Sands Of Time (Harry Gregson-Williams) - The King And His Sons.
058 - Riley Lee - Sacramental lullaby.
059 - Rimead - Sentinels of brkilon.
060 - Sacred II - Лес.
061 - Sacred II - Степь.
062 - SAGA online - Nature Domai.
063 - Celtic Heart - Scarborough Fair.
064 - Celtic Heart - Spiritual Abyss.
065 - Telenn Gwad - Mountains of Rain and Sun.
066 - Telenn Gwad - Runtime.
067 - Telenn Gwad - Lulluby.
068 - Telenn Gwad - Morning Star.
069 - Telenn Gwad - Страж сновидений.
070 - Temple of Elemental Evil - Good vignette.
071 - Temple of Elemental Evil - Hommlet.
072 - Celtic Heart - The Cat That Ate The Candle.
073 - The Guild II - Venice - Joiner.
074 - The Guild II - Venice - Tavern.
075 - The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring - Concerning Hobbits.
076 - The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring - The Breaking Of The Fellowship.
077 - The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers - Evenstar.
078 - The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King - The Return of the King.
079 - The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King - The Grey Havens.
080 - The Settlers V - Middle Europe Summer.
081 - The Settlers V - Terranean Summer.
082 - Celtic Heart - To drive the cold winter away (Old Horned Sheep).
083 - Torchlight - Город.
084 - The Witcher - River of Life.
085 - The Witcher - Peaceful Moments.
086 - Ветер Воды - Разочарованный странник.
087 - Мельница - Master of the Wind.
088 - Мельница - Дракон.
089 - Мельница - Господин горных дорог.
090 - Мельница - Зов крови.
091 - Мельница - Двери Темерлана.
092 - Мельница - Вереск.
093 - Семиречье - Сказания.
094 - Семиречье - Древние Боги.
095 - Саинхо Намчылак - Midnight Blue.
096 - Саинхо Намчылак - Old Melodie (Дагларым).
097 - Тиливан - Я к тебе вернусь.
098 - Хелависа - May It Be (Может быть).
099 - Хелависа - Листья под дождём.
100 - Хелависа - Дуб, терновник и ясень (Гимн деревьям).
Музыка Леса - II - Путь Ветра всегда одинок (2011)
001 - Иоанна (Marcel Barsotti) - Pope Joan (Main Theme).
002 - Celtic Heart - An Caitin Ban.
003 - Altan - The Flower of Magherally.
004 - Antonio De Lucena - Concierto De Aranjuez.
005 - Avencast - Rise of the Mage.
005 - Blackmore's Night - Dandelion wine.
007 - Blackmore's Night - Magical world.
008 - Blackmore's Night - Minstrell hall.
009 - Celtic Heart - Blind Mary.
010 - Brian Finnegan - Only.
011 - Brian Finnegan - Starrs.
012 - Brauch na Carraige Baine (Celtic Heart).
013 - Celtic Planet - The Best Of Celtic Dance - Callow Lake.
014 - Celtic Planet - The Best Of Celtic Dance - Worship.
015 - Celtic Planet - The Best Of Celtic Dance - Midnight Walker.
016 - Celtic Woman - Goodnight My Angel.
017 - Celtic Woman - The Lost Rose Fantasia.
018 - Celtic Woman - The Coast Of Galicia.
019 - Charles Magee - Cathalm Hac Aodh.
020 - Clannad - Coinleach Ghlas An Fhomhair.
021 - Clannad - Green Fields Of Gaothdobhair.
022 - Clannad - Caid Sin Do'n T Sin.
023 - Daemonica - Village.
024 - Daemonica - Theme End.
025 - Disciples III - Столица Эльфийского Альянса [Альтернатива].
026 - Divine Divinity - Roads Shaded by Green Eaves.
027 - Divine Divinity - Winds of Sand.
028 - Divine Divinity - Stones and Trees.
029 - Dungeon Siege II - Freedom for a Price.
030 - Drakensang - The Dark Eye - Overtuere.
031 - Drakensang - The Dark Eye - Ferdok - Die stadt am grossen fluss.
032 - Drakensang - The Dark Eye - Prehnshain.
033 - Drakensang - The Dark Eye - Auf zu neuen welten.
034 - Ed Durbrow - A Time For Us.
035 - Enya - The Sun In The Stream.
036 - Enya - Lothlorien.
037 - Celtic Heart - Famine Song.
038 - Gothic - Nature Theme.
039 - Gothic II - The valley of mines.
040 - Gothic IV - Valley of Blood.
041 - Gothic IV - Village.
042 - Gothic IV - City.
043 - Gothic IV - Night City.
044 - Celtic Heart - Gaelic.
045 - Greg Joy - Road to Lisdoonvarna.
046 - Greg Joy - The Cuckoo.
047 - Gwenael Kerleo - A Beltane Night.
048 - Gwenael Kerleo - En avel vor.
049 - Gwenael Kerleo - Perina.
050 - Gwenael Kerleo - Na ouel ket.
051 - Gwenael Kerleo - The Soul Release.
052 - Gwenael Kerleo - The Celtic Ride.
053 - Hedningarna - Ukkonen.
054 - Howard Shore - The Fall of Gil-Galad.
055 - Celtic Heart - Il Bambino Si Addormenta.
056 - King's Bounty - Under the Shadow of the Oak.
057 - Llewellyn - Avalon.
058 - Loreena McKennitt - Huron 'Beltane' Fire Dance.
059 - Loreena McKennitt - Samain Night.
060 - Loreena McKennitt - Greensleeves.
061 - Loreena McKennitt - Between The Shadows.
062 - Loreena McKennitt - The Dark Night Of The Soul.
063 - Celtic Heart - Jimmy Mo Mhile Stor.
064 - Lothlorien - Siuil A Ruin.
065 - Lothlorien - The Black Cat.
066 - Medwyn Goodall - The Gathering.
067 - Celtic Heart - Ned of the Hill.
068 - Mychael Danna, Jeff Danna - The Blood of Cu Chulainn.
069 - Planescape - Torment - Deionarra Theme.
070 - Risen - The Island.
071 - Risen - The Beach.
072 - Risen - The Harbor City.
073 - Risen - The Harbor City at night.
074 - Sacred - Деревня.
075 - Sacred - Город.
076 - Spectromancer - Лига Героев.
077 - Sen to Chihiro - Ano Natsu he.
078 - Sen to Chihiro - Ano Hi no Kawa.
079 - Sen to Chihiro - Banme no Eki.
080 - Sen to Chihiro - Futatabi.
081 - Secret Garden - Lotus.
082 - Tonari No Totoro - Yuugure no kaze.
083 - Tonari No Totoro - Kaze no tohrimichi.
084 - Tonari No Totoro - Mei ga inai.
085 - Celtic Heart - The Quiet Land of Erin.
086 - Titan Quest - Helos.
087 - Titan Quest - Jade Palace.
088 - Titan Quest - When Gods Fall (Credits).
089 - Celtic Heart - Veux Chateaux Sous La Lune.
090 - Vangelis - Dream in an open place.
091 - Celtic Heart - Wind from the South.
092 - BAmbooway - На берегу реки.
093 - Сказка странствий - Признание.
094 - Башня Rowan - Когда солнце ложится спать.
095 - Башня Rowan - Перелетная осень.
096 - Башня Rowan - Вознесение на листьях (Красный Самайн).
097 - Волкодав - Голос Леса.
098 - Волкодав - Встреча с Кнесенкой.
099 - Волкодав - Финал.
100 - Ломелиндэ - Тени Леса.
Музыка Леса - III - Спрятанный Мир (2011)
001 - Age of Empires III - There Is Weather - Decisions Are Made (End Credits).
002 - Ann' Sannat - Serveren.
003 - Ann'Sannat - Crazy Man Michael.
004 - Baldur's Gate - Exploring The Plains.
005 - Baldur's Gate - Night On The Plains.
006 - Baldur's Gate - The Friendly Arms Inn.
007 - Baldur's Gate II - The Pirate Isle.
008 - Baldur's Gate II - Taverns.
009 - Baldur's Gate II - Romance.
010 - Calvery - Avalon.
011 - Braid - Downstream.
012 - Braid - Lullaby Set.
013 - Byousoku 5 Centimeter - Cherry Blossom Extract.
014 - Byousoku 5 Centimeter - One more time, One more chance.
015 - Capercaillie - Am Buachaille Ban.
016 - Diane and David Arkenstone - Guinevere's Tears.
017 - Diane and David Arkenstone - Lady of The Lake.
018 - Dungeon Siege III - Main Theme.
019 - Dungeon Siege III - Credits.
020 - Deanta - Culloden's Harvest.
021 - Deanta - Harp Airs.
022 - Deanta - Ready For The Storm.
023 - Die Chronik Aventuriens - Die Chronik Aventuriens.
024 - Die Chronik Aventuriens - Im Wirtshaus zum Schwarzen Keiler.
025 - Die Chronik Aventuriens - Heldenzeitalter.
026 - Elane - Magdalena.
027 - Elane - Dammertal.
028 - Elane - My Ivory Fairy.
029 - Elane - Spinnenhaus.
030 - Elane - Lurlinnight.
031 - Elemental - War of Magic - Map Theme.
032 - Elemental - War of Magic - Item Shop.
033 - Elemental - War of Magic - Epic Theme Good.
034 - Enaid - Arthur's Farewell.
035 - Enaid - The Round Table.
036 - Erdenstern - Into The Green - At The Fair.
037 - Erdenstern - Into The Green - The Journey Begins.
038 - Erdenstern - Into The Green - Into The Green.
039 - Erdenstern - Into The Green - Mystical Clearing.
040 - Erdenstern - Into The Green - Epilogue.
041 - Erdenstern - Into The White - White Realm.
042 - Erdenstern - Into The White - First Snow.
043 - Erdenstern - Into The White - Into The White.
044 - Erdenstern - Into The White - White Magic.
045 - Erdenstern - Into The White - A Journey Coming To An End.
046 - Estatic Fear - Chapter VII.
047 - Fable - Summer Fields.
048 - Fable II - Bowerlake.
049 - Fable III - The Dwellers.
050 - Greg Joy - Autumn Harp.
051 - Greg Joy - Mist Covered Mountains of Home.
052 - Greg Joy - Aeolian.
053 - Howard Baer - Celtic Mystique - Spancil Hill.
054 - Howard Baer - Celtic Mystique - Owen Roe O'niel.
055 - Icewind Dale - Kuldahar Theme.
056 - Icewind Dale - Arundel's Home.
057 - Icewind Dale - The Tale of Icewind Dale.
058 - Icewind Dale II - Skeleton of a Town.
059 - Icewind Dale II - Return to Kuldahar.
060 - Icewind Dale II - The Town of Lonelywood.
061 - L'ham de Foc - Jorn e nit.
062 - Kalenda Maya - De tve systrarna.
063 - Kalenda Maya - De moi doleros vos chant.
064 - Margie Butler - Glen Of Copsewood (Scotland).
065 - Margie Butler - Marsh Of Rhudlands (Morfa Rhuddlan).
066 - Margie Butler - The Knight's Blessing (Butler).
067 - Marie Brennan - A Place among the Stones.
068 - Pierre Belmonde - Concierto De Aranjuez.
069 - Planxty - As I Roved Out.
070 - Coulter and Harris Moore - Carolan's Ramble to Cashel.
071 - Spice and Wolf - Hajimete no Mura.
072 - Spice and Wolf - Hikaru Wadachi.
073 - Spice and Wolf - Tadashiki Tenbin.
074 - Spice and Wolf II - Hito to Ikyou no Kamigami.
075 - Spice and Wolf II - Wakaki Nendaiki Sakka.
076 - Spice and Wolf II - Matsuri ha Owari, Tabi ha Tsuduki.
077 - Stanislav Polesko - G1deon.
078 - Stanislav Polesko - My Name Is Swen.
079 - Sylvia Woods - Gypsy Mirage.
080 - Sylvia Woods - The Harper's Vision.
081 - Sylvia Woods - Morning Calm.
082 - Tara - Ringsend Rose.
083 - The Cinematic Orchestra - Arrival of the Birds.
084 - The Corries - Hush Hush.
085 - The Witcher 2 - Assasins of Kings - A Nearly Peaceful Place.
086 - The Witcher 2 - Assasins of Kings - Dwarven Stone Upon Dwarven Stone.
087 - The Witcher 2 - Assasins of Kings - A Watering Hole in the Harbor.
088 - Tony McManus - Set of Tunes.
089 - Trine - Trine Main Theme.
090 - Trine - Waltz of The Perished.
091 - Trine - Dragon Graveyard.
092 - World of Warcraft - Taverns Of Azeroth - Stonefire.
093 - World of Warcraft - Taverns Of Azeroth - Shady Rest.
094 - World of Warcraft - Taverns Of Azeroth - Salty Sailor.
095 - World of Warcraft - Taverns Of Azeroth - Temple of the Moon.
096 - Celtic Heart - Woman of Ireland.
097 - Иван Кельт - Celtic Forest.
098 - Иван Кельт - Syberia II.
099 - Иван Кельт - Rain From The Night Sky.
100 - Иван Кельт - Night.
Музыка Леса - IV - Песни скрытого храма (2012)
001 - Alizbar - Пробуждение.
002 - Alizbar - На грани весны.
003 - Alizbar - Блики солнца на воде.
004 - Alizbar - The island.
005 - Alizbar - Колыбельная... струны души (Idzie sen).
006 - Aine Minogue - Easter Snow.
007 - Aine Minogue - The Dove's Return.
008 - Aine Minogue - An Bhoutals.
009 - Aine Minogue - Dawning Of The Day.
010 - Art Ceilidh - Echoes in The Glen.
011 - Art Ceilidh - Song O' the Song.
012 - Beyond the Clouds, the Promised Place - Main Theme.
013 - Beyond the Clouds, the Promised Place - A Time of Reunion.
014 - Beyond the Clouds, the Promised Place - Beyond the Clouds, the Promised Place.
015 - Clint Mansell - The Last Man.
016 - Children Who Chase Lost Voices from Deep Below - Opening.
017 - Children Who Chase Lost Voices from Deep Below - Shukufuku.
018 - Children Who Chase Lost Voices from Deep Below - Agartha.
019 - Clannad - Of This Land.
020 - Carreg Lafar - Os Daw Fy Nghariad.
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