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Хореограф Юрий Григорович - балет «Лебединое озеро» - Павел Сорокин - Ольга Смирнова - Якопо Тисси - Алексей Лопаревич - Алексей Путинцев /Juri Grigorovich - Swan Lake - Pavel Sorokin - Bolshoi of Moscow (ГАБТ России - 2020) HDTVRip

Хореограф Юрий Григорович - балет «Лебединое озеро» - Павел Сорокин - Ольга Смирнова - Якопо Тисси - Алексей Лопаревич - Алексей Путинцев /Juri Grigorovich - Swan Lake - Pavel Sorokin - Bolshoi of Moscow (ГАБТ России - 2020) HDTVRip

ФильмыФильмы Рейтинг публикации: 0 (голосов: 0)  


Act 1

A magnificent park before a palace

[Scène: Allegro giusto] Prince Siegfried is celebrating his birthday with his tutor, friends and peasants [Waltz]. The revelries are interrupted by Siegfried's mother, the Queen [Scène: Allegro moderato], who is concerned about her son's carefree lifestyle. She tells him that he must choose a bride at the royal ball the following evening (some productions include the presentation of some possible candidates). Siegfried is upset that he cannot marry for love. His friend Benno and the tutor try to lift his troubled mood. As evening falls [Sujet], Benno sees a flock of swans flying overhead and suggests they go on a hunt [Finale I]. Siegfried and his friends take their crossbows and set off in pursuit of the swans.

Act 2

A lakeside clearing in a forest by the ruins of a chapel. A moonlit night.

Siegfried has become separated from his friends. He arrives at the lakeside clearing, just as a flock of swans land [Scène. Moderato]. He aims his crossbow [Scène. Allegro moderato], but freezes when one of them transforms into a beautiful maiden, Odette [Scène. Moderato]. At first, she is terrified of Siegfried. When he promises not to harm her, she explains that she and her companions are victims of a spell cast by the evil owl-like sorcerer Rothbart. By day they are turned into swans and only at night, by the side of the enchanted lake – created from the tears of Odette's mother – do they return to human form. The spell can only be broken if one who has never loved before swears to love Odette forever. Rothbart suddenly appears [Scène. Allegro vivo]. Siegfried threatens to kill him but Odette intercedes – if Rothbart dies before the spell is broken, it can never be undone.

As Rothbart disappears, the swan maidens fill the clearing [Scène: Allegro, Moderato assai quasi andante]. Siegfried breaks his crossbow, and sets about winning Odette's trust as the two fall in love. But as dawn arrives, the evil spell draws Odette and her companions back to the lake and they are turned into swans again.

Act 3

An opulent hall in the palace

Guests arrive at the palace for a costume ball. Six princesses are presented to the prince [Entrance of the Guests and Waltz], as candidates for marriage. Rothbart arrives in disguise [Scène: Allegro, Allegro giusto] with his daughter, Odile, who is transformed to look like Odette. Though the princesses try to attract the prince with their dances [Pas de six], Siegfried has eyes only for Odile. [Scène: Allegro, Tempo di valse, Allegro vivo] Odette appears at the castle window and attempts to warn Siegfried, but he does not see her. He then proclaims to the court that he will marry Odile before Rothbart shows him a magical vision of Odette. Grief-stricken and realizing his mistake (he vowed only to love Odette), Siegfried hurries back to the lake.

Act 4

By the lakeside

Odette is distraught. The swan-maidens try to comfort her. Siegfried returns to the lake and makes a passionate apology. She forgives him, but his betrayal cannot be undone. Rather than remain a swan forever, Odette chooses to die. Siegfried chooses to die with her and they leap into the lake, where they will stay together forever. This breaks Rothbart's spell over the swan maidens, causing him to lose his power over them and he dies. In an apotheosis, the swan maidens, who transform to maidens, watch as Siegfried and Odette ascend into the Heavens together, forever united in love.

Петр Чайковский

Лебединое озеро (Swan Lake)

Хореограф - Юрий Григорович
Сценография и костюмы - Симон Вирсаладзе
Дирижер-постановщик - Павел Сорокин
Художник по свету - Михаил Соколов

Действующие лица и исполнители

Одетта-Одиллия - Ольга Смирнова
Принц Зигфрид - Якопо Тисси
Наставник - Алексей Лопаревич
Шут - Алексей Путинцев
Владетельная принцесса - Кристина Карасева
Злой гений - Егор Геращенко

Классика в абсолюте, главный среди величайших «белых» балетов, «Лебединое озеро» всегда завораживает зрителей сочетанием великой музыки и великой хореографии. Но в редакции Большого театра это еще и выдающийся драматический спектакль о любви и верности, о предательстве и умении прощать, о том, что свой Злой гений живет в каждом из нас.

Качество: HDTVRip
Формат/контейнер: mkv
Видео: MPEG4 Video (H264) 1920x1080 25fps
Аудио: AAC 44100Hz stereo 128kbps
Продолжительность: 02:01:45
Размер: 1,34 ГБ (1 440 329 882 б)
  • Добавлено: 11/07/2020
  • Автор: alex7
  • Просмотрено: 33
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Общий размер публикации: 1,34 ГБ
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