Files Included :
1 - Introduction (191.28 MB)
10 - Introduction to R for Data Science (215.8 MB)
11 - R Programmig Basics (463.75 MB)
12 - Introduction to Python Programming (282.94 MB)
13 - Introduction to Python Programming Part2 (115.65 MB)
14 - Data Structures and Functions in Python (125.82 MB)
15 - Python for AIML Data Structures and Functions (192.87 MB)
16 - Working with Libraries and Handling Files (133.83 MB)
17 - Python Introduction to Numpy (360.21 MB)
18 - Introduction to R for Data Science (215.81 MB)
19 - R Programmig Basics (463.42 MB)
2 - Data Science Session 2 (85.53 MB)
3 - Data Science Vs Traditional Analysis (121.31 MB)
4 - Data Scientist (91.24 MB)
5 - Data Scientist Part 2 (142.16 MB)
6 - Data Science Process Overview (142.05 MB)
7 - Data Science Process Overview Part2 (163.68 MB)
8 - Introduction to Python for Data Science (243.03 MB)
9 - Python Libraries for Data Science (199.02 MB)