13.62 GB | 01:21:29 | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre: eLearning | Language : English
Files Included :
1 - Thermal Management by PCM in a Room Wall CFD Simulation (64.89 MB)
10 - 1670243376-geometry-and-mesh-files (254.68 KB)
10 - Bullet HPBT movement CFD Simulation by Dynamic Mesh (85.92 MB)
11 - 1670243585-geometry-and-mesh-files (6 MB)
11 - Pollution of the Street between Buildings CFD Simulation (6.21 MB)
12 - Jet Combustion CFD Simulation by ANSYS Fluent (54.93 MB)
13 - 1670244752-geometry-and-mesh-files (10.8 MB)
13 - Labyrinth spillway CFD Simulation (66.67 MB)
2 - ANSYS Workbench Main Steps for a CFD Simulation (75.05 MB)
3 - 1664626236-geometry-and-mesh-files (68.22 MB)
3 - Conjugated Heat Transfer CHT in Plate Heat Exchanger CFD Simulation (64 MB)
4 - 1670237533-geometry-and-mesh-files (16.34 MB)
4 - Solar Radiation effect on a House CFD Simulation (49.99 MB)
5 - 1670238130-geometry-and-mesh-files (5.1 MB)
5 - Thermal Management by PCM in a Room Wall CFD Simulation (58.31 MB)
6 - 1667255412-mesh (50.42 MB)
6 - Supersonic Flow over SR71 Blackbird CFD Simulation (95.44 MB)
7 - 1670242754-geometry-and-mesh-files (266.24 KB)
7 - Perforated Plate Porous Zone Inside 3D Channel CFD Simulation (95.46 MB)
8 - 1670243098-geometry-and-mesh-files (318.24 KB)
8 - Surface injection using DPM CFD Simulation (40.79 MB)
9 - 1667813933-mesh (347.24 KB)
9 - Single Reference Frame SRF Axial Pump CFD Simulation (97.23 MB)
14 - Plate Heat Exchanger Geometry and Mesh Training (240.47 MB)
15 - A Comparative Study Using NavierStokes Equations and ANSYS Fluent (324.45 MB)
16 - Session 2 Axisymmetric Heat Transfer Analysis of Poiseuille Flow ANSYS Fluent (270.79 MB)
17 - Design Meshing and Aerodynamic Analysis of NACA 0015 Airfoil by ANSYS Fluent (243.51 MB)
18 - Pipe Flow Simulation with Heat Transfer and Nusselt Number Analysis using ANSYS (293.33 MB)
19 - Compressible Flow Analysis of NACA 0012 Airfoil using ANSYS Fluent (197.95 MB)
20 - Bent Pipe Geometry and Mesh Training (70.66 MB)
21 - Compressible Flow in a Bent Pipe CFD Simulation (99.64 MB)
22 - 1642424214-mesh (394.44 KB)
22 - 1642424220-paper (1.18 MB)
22 - Fluidized Bed Reactor GasSolid CFD Simulation (216.8 MB)
23 - 1642424189-mesh (32.17 MB)
23 - 1648744395-geometry (291.24 KB)
23 - ANSYS FLUENT Training Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger with a spiral Baffle (118.1 MB)
24 - 1642423400-paper (1.96 MB)
24 - 1678195277-geometry-and-mesh-files (5.41 MB)
24 - ANSYS FLUENT training Hydrocyclone with a TangentCircle Inlet CFD Simulation (136.99 MB)
25 - 1642422419-mesh (71.87 MB)
25 - 1642422421-udf (305 B)
25 - ANSYS FLUENT Training SelfPropelled Submarine Motion Dynamic Mesh 6DOF (208.46 MB)
26 - 1678784142-geometry-and-mesh-file (8.06 MB)
26 - ANSYS FLUENT Training Spillway Transient CFD Simulation (281.03 MB)
27 - 1642424262-mesh (7.73 MB)
27 - ANSYS FLUENT Training Non Newtonian Blood Pulse Flow in a Vein in ansys fluent (87.18 MB)
28 - 1642424232-mesh (636.41 KB)
28 - ANSYS FLUENT Training Airflow Around an Airfoil CFD Simulation by ansys fluent (137.26 MB)
29 - 1642428650-mesh-1 (83.62 MB)
29 - ansys fluent training Facade HVAC CFD Simulation training (230.73 MB)
30 - 1642423559-mesh (52.6 MB)
30 - ANSYS FLUENT Training Jet Ski CFD Simulation TwoPhase Flow Study (177.27 MB)
31 - 1642437479-mesh (38.62 MB)
31 - 1660551245-geometry-file (18.93 KB)
31 - ANSYS FLuent Training HVAC of an Operating Room CFD Simulation (259.68 MB)
32 - 1642421907-mesh (35.83 MB)
32 - 1668422867-geometry-file (1.21 MB)
32 - Airflow Modeling over a Flying Bird (469.62 MB)
33 - 1642420203-mesh (246.36 MB)
33 - 1642420208-geometry (1.18 MB)
33 - Truck Aerodynamic Container Effect Study CFD Simulation ANSYS fluent (716.87 MB)
34 - 1667253627-geometry (318.52 KB)
34 - 1667255412-mesh (50.42 MB)
34 - Supersonic Flow Over SR71 Blackbird Aircraft CFD Simulation ANSYS Fluent Tutor (89.77 MB)
35 - Supersonic Flow over SR71 Blackbird geometry and mesh training (42.83 MB)
36 - 1664626236-geometry-and-mesh-files (68.22 MB)
36 - Plate Heat Exchanger Viscous Heating CFD Simulation by ANSYS Fluent (98.37 MB)
37 - 1642437426-mesh (125.96 MB)
37 - Airflow on the Dimpled Rotating Cylinder CFD Simulation ANSYS Fluent Training (114.84 MB)
38 - 1642423492-mesh (18.24 MB)
38 - 1642423498-geometry (70.7 KB)
38 - Heat Transfer in Pipe with Twisted Tape Inserts Paper CFD Validation ANSYS Flu (91.29 MB)
39 - Single Reference Frame SRF Axial Pump geometry and mesh training (60.87 MB)
40 - 1667813903-geometry (1.23 KB)
40 - 1667813933-mesh (347.24 KB)
40 - Single Reference Frame SRF Axial Pump CFD Simulation (119.93 MB)
41 - 1642423589-paper (838.58 KB)
41 - 1642423591-mesh (3.96 MB)
41 - 1642423595-geometry (9.31 KB)
41 - Zigzag Channel with Flow Pulsation Paper CFD Validation ANSYS Fluent (96.05 MB)
42 - 1642423636-paper (6.91 MB)
42 - 1642423640-mesh (50.25 MB)
42 - 1642423646-geometry (19.34 KB)
42 - Laminar Flow and Heat Transfer in UBend Paper Validation ANSYS Fluent (133.41 MB)
43 - 1642424044-mesh (33.06 MB)
43 - 1642424049-geometry (334.57 KB)
43 - Mountain External Airflow CFD Simulation ANSYS Fluent Training (96.75 MB)
44 - 1642424055-mesh (66.99 MB)
44 - 1642424056-geometry (1.25 MB)
44 - Car AUDI External Flow CFD Simulation ANSYS Fluent Training (175.49 MB)
45 - 1642424058-mesh (16.96 KB)
45 - 1642424063-geometry (759 B)
45 - External Flow Passing Through a Flat Plate ANSYS Fluent CFD Training (48.12 MB)
46 - 1642421907-mesh (35.83 MB)
46 - 1668422867-geometry-file (1.21 MB)
46 - ANSYS FLUENT Training air flow cfd simulation analysis Around a bird (163.12 MB)
47 - 1642424282-mesh (76.25 MB)
47 - 1642424283-geometry (17.75 KB)
47 - Fluid Flow Around a Wavy Tape in a Tube ANSYS Fluent CFD Simulation Training (101.2 MB)
48 - 1642421536-mesh (44.94 MB)
48 - 1668953077-mesh-file (1.02 MB)
48 - 1669680796-geometry-file (1.61 KB)
48 - 1674650160-dimple-ball-geometry (111.47 KB)
48 - ANSYS FLUENT TRAINING Golf ball Aerodynamics CFD Simulation by ANSYS Fluent (90.62 MB)
49 - 1642424127-mesh (19.43 MB)
49 - Moving Train External Airflow CFD Simulation ANSYS Fluent Training (100.3 MB)
50 - 1642437403-mesh (322.67 MB)
50 - Turbine Blade Cooling CFD Simulation ANSYS Fluent Training (100.95 MB)
51 - 1642424120-mesh (12.63 MB)
51 - 1642424125-geometry (55.65 KB)
51 - UAV ExternalUAV External Airflow CFD Simulation ANSYS Fluent Training (184.07 MB)
52 - 1642424227-mesh-1 (728.49 KB)
52 - 1642424227-mesh (728.49 KB)
52 - Airflow Around a NACA 0008 Airfoil CFD Simulation ANSYS Fluent Training (82.72 MB)
53 - Ogee Spillway CFD Simulation ANSYS Fluent Training (52.8 MB)
54 - 1678783606-geometry-and-mesh-file (257.99 KB)
54 - Laminar Flow Heat Transfer in UBend how to calculate Nusselt number (4.31 MB)
55 - Corona Virus Spread due to a Cough in Open Air (278.15 MB)
56 - Covid 19 Airborne Risk Measuring in a Classroom (445.86 MB)
57 - Covid19 Consideration for Wearing Shields ANSYS Fluent Simulation Training (298.78 MB)
58 - Single Reference Frame SRF Axial Pump CFD Simulation (60.93 MB)
59 - Solar Chimney ANSYS Fluent CFD Simulation Training (91.47 MB)
60 - mixer tutorial Ansys design modeler and meshin training (408.28 MB)
61 - draw and meshing of a ducted fan zone (136.86 MB)
62 - geometry & mesh training of Bent Pipe (70.66 MB)
63 - geometry and mesh training contact angle effect on friction (31.41 MB)
64 - Geometry and Mesh Training Corona Virus Patient STEADY Breathining (647.37 MB)
65 - heat exchanger with segmented baffles (574.43 MB)
66 - Hydro Cyclone geometry drwaing and meshing (141.24 MB)
67 - Water infiltration into a porous concrete block geometry and mesh training (65.94 MB)
68 - COVID19 Transient Breathing in the Operating Room geometry and mesh training (643.7 MB)
69 - Pin and Plate Heat Sink geometry training (69.9 MB)
70 - Pin and Plate Heat Sink meshing training (27.41 MB)
71 - Plate Heat Exchanger geometry and mesh training (240.54 MB)