5.1 GB | 00:25:20 | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre: eLearning | Language : English
Files Included :
1 -What will you get from this Course (34.57 MB)
2 -LINUX Introduction (40.62 MB)
3 -Keyboard keys used in Linux (60.68 MB)
4 -Linux vs Windows (35.42 MB)
5 -Who uses Linux (13.97 MB)
6 -Linux Distributions (11.33 MB)
1 -What is Virtual Box (10.07 MB)
10 -Learn to manage your Virtual Machine (85.17 MB)
2 -Best ways to install Linux (33.18 MB)
3 -Create your First Virtual Machine (27.38 MB)
4 -Installing Cent-OS Linux (175.76 MB)
5 -Installing Oraccle VirtualBox (51.83 MB)
6 -First step for every Hacker - Install RedHat Linux (84.42 MB)
7 -Installation for best used Linux by learners -- Ubuntu Linux (93.29 MB)
8 -Linux Desktop GUI - Gnome & KDE (44.92 MB)
9 -Take a Snapshot of VM (8.03 MB)
1 -Command Prompts and Getting Prompts Back (27.42 MB)
10 -Absolute and Relative Paths (36.88 MB)
11 -Directory Listing Attributes (22.37 MB)
12 -Creating Files & Directories (touch, cp, vim,) (90.15 MB)
13 -Linux File Types (8.53 MB)
14 -Finding Files and Directories (find, locate) (82.69 MB)
15 -Difference between Find & locate commands (44.07 MB)
16 -Changing password (32.71 MB)
17 -Wild Cards (, , ^ []) (99.56 MB)
18 -Hard & Soft links (117.94 MB)
2 -Access to Linux Systems (14.36 MB)
3 -Installing Putty (27.81 MB)
4 -Command Prompts and Getting Prompts Back (34.62 MB)
5 -Connect Linux VM via Putty (59.35 MB)
6 -Important things to remember in Linux (5.06 MB)
7 -Introduction to Linux File System (48.65 MB)
8 -Filesystem Structure & description (89.77 MB)
9 -Travel Between Files (cd, ls, pwd etc) (93.18 MB)
1 -Linux Command Syntax (59.36 MB)
10 -Pipes () (45.77 MB)
11 -File management Commands (cp, rm, mv, mkdir) (121.61 MB)
12 -File Display Commands (cat, less, more) (84.54 MB)
13 -Linux Filters - Text Processing Commands #1 (6.84 MB)
14 -cut - Text Processors Commands #2 (100.59 MB)
15 -awk - Text processors Commands #3 (133.9 MB)
16 -grep - Text Processors Commands #4 (101.17 MB)
17 -sortuniq - Text processors Commands #5 (87.69 MB)
18 -wc - Text Processors Commands #6 (74.87 MB)
19 -Compare Files (diff, cmp) (23.83 MB)
2 -Permissions File & Directories (chmod) (118.45 MB)
20 -Compress & Extract (tar, gzip, gunzip) (69.69 MB)
21 -Truncate File Size (truncate) (73.49 MB)
22 -Combining & Spliting Files (47.35 MB)
23 -Linx vs Windows Command (50.23 MB)
3 -File Permission using Numeric Module (66.5 MB)
4 -File Ownership (chown, chgrp) (120.41 MB)
5 -Access Control List (86.18 MB)
6 -Help Command (30.28 MB)
7 -Tab Completion & Up Arrow Keys (36.99 MB)
8 -Adding Text to Files (105.97 MB)
9 -Standard Output to a Files (tee Command) (82.21 MB)
1 -Linux File Editor (vi) (79.62 MB)
10 -System Utility Commands (date, uptime, hostname, uname, which, cal, bc) (71.63 MB)
11 -Processes and Jobs (systemctl, ps, kill, top, crontab, at) (163.74 MB)
12 -Additional cronjobs (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly) (61.96 MB)
13 -Process Management (bg, fg, nice) (97.25 MB)
14 -System Monitoring Commands (df, dmesg, iostat 1, netstat, free, top) (77.95 MB)
15 -System Logs Monitor (varlog) (112.76 MB)
16 -System Maintenance Commands (shutdown, init, reboot, halt) (43.03 MB)
17 -Changing System Hostname (hostnamectl) (35.67 MB)
18 -Finding System Information (uname, dmidecode) (31.87 MB)
19 -Finding System Architecture (arch) (27.33 MB)
2 -Difference between vi and vim Editors (66.24 MB)
20 -Terminal Control Keys (27.96 MB)
21 -Terminal Commands (clear, exit, script) (55.64 MB)
22 -Recover Root Password (single user mode) (40.55 MB)
23 -SOS Report (54.75 MB)
24 -Environment Variables (116.59 MB)
3 -sed Command (155.57 MB)
4 -User Account Management (useradd, groupadd, usermod, userdel, groupdel) (142.5 MB)
5 -Switch Users and Sudo Access (su, sudo) (59.27 MB)
6 -Monitor Users (who, last, w, id) (56.92 MB)
7 -Talking to Users (users, wall, write) (77.94 MB)
8 -Linux Directory Service - Account Authentication (26.84 MB)
9 -Difference between Active Directory, LDAP, IDM, WinBIND, OpenLDAP etc (44.65 MB)