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Master The Fundamentals Of Python

Master The Fundamentals Of Python

ВидеоВидео Рейтинг публикации: 0 (голосов: 0)  
Master The Fundamentals Of Python
Published 11/2022
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 9.39 GB | Duration: 29h 14m

Gain a deep understanding of Python without knowledge gaps with a 300+ page book, 200+ exercises, and multiple projects

What you'll learn

Complete mastery of the fundamentals of the Python programming language without knowledge gaps

Get a 300+ page digital textbook with detailed explanations of all of the material

Practice what you've learned with more than 200 exercises with solutions

Prove your knowledge by passing a challenging Certification Exam

Learn from an expert who's published multiple books and developed popular Python libraries

Confidence to use Python to produce trusted results in a professional environment

Mastery of all the basic types and knowledge of how to access their power

Learn arithmetic and comparison operations with the basic built-in types (ints, floats, booleans)

Learn the properties of strings and how to use their wide array of methods

Learn all of the properties and methods for the built-in data types lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries

Learn how to control the flow of your program with conditional statements and looping

Learn the ins and outs of all the built-in functions as well as how to create user-defined functions

Learn intermediate topics such as how to import modules from the standard library, opening and reading files, and exception handling

Gain a firm understanding of object-oriented programming and how to define your own classes

Learn how to build a Texas Hold'em Poker application with artificial intelligence


No prior programming experience is required. This course transforms beginners to competent programmers


Master the Fundamentals of Python is an extremely comprehensive course targeted for beginners who want to build their skills slowly and thoroughly without knowledge gaps. This course is packed full of material to ensure your understanding, regardless of your learning style, and includes the following:Interactive Video LessonsMore than 25 hours of hands-on, interactive video lessons are provided. We will be programming together in the excellent Jupyter Notebook as we complete each module. Eventually, we will graduate to using Visual Studio Code, a more professional coding environment.A Digital BookYou'll get a 300+ page downloadable PDF of the book Master the Fundamentals of Python. This allows you to access all of the course contents in a single document, even when offline.Exercises and SolutionsMore than 200 exercises with detailed solutions are available for you to practice what you've learned.ProjectsThere are several projects available where you'll build larger programs that combine together multiple different topics. Some of the projects include Choose Your Own Adventure, Tic-Tac-Toe, and Texas Hold'em Poker with artificial intelligence.Certification ExamAfter covering all of the material in the course, you will be given a challenging certification exam to prove your mastery of the material. Passing this exam awards you a certificate of completion.About the InstructorThis course is taught by expert instructor Teddy Petrou who is author of multiple books, including:Pandas CookbookMaster Data Analysis with PythonMaster the Fundamentals of PythonBuild an Interactive Data Analytics Dashboard with PythonTeddy has taught hundreds of students Python and data science during in-person classroom settings. He sees first hand exactly where students struggle and continually upgrades his material to minimize these struggles by providing a simple and direct path forward.Teddy has demonstrated his deep fluency in Python by developing open source Python libraries and is the creator of dexplo, a suite of data science packages that include bar_chart_race, dexplot, jupyter_to_medium, and dataframe_image. He holds a Master's degree in Statistics from Rice University.Course CurriculumOperatorsSyntaxObjects and typesStringsListsRanges and constructorsConditional statementsWriting entire programsLoopingList comprehensionsBuilt-in functionsUser-defined functionsTic-Tac-ToeTuples, sets, dictionariesModulesUser-defined modulesErrors and exceptionsFilesClassesTexas hold'em poker


Section 1: Getting Started

Lecture 1 Downloading Anaconda

Lecture 2 Installing Anaconda (Mac Users)

Lecture 3 Installing Anaconda (Windows Users)

Lecture 4 Opening the Anaconda Navigator

Lecture 5 Writing your First Lines of Python Code in a Jupyter Notebook

Section 2: Downloading the Course Material

Lecture 6 Creating the Dunder Data Courses Directory (Mac Users)

Lecture 7 Creating the Dunder Data Courses Directory (Windows Users)

Lecture 8 Downloading the Course Material

Lecture 9 Exploring the Course Contents

Section 3: Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks

Lecture 10 Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks

Lecture 11 Jupyter Notebook Basics

Lecture 12 Edit vs Command Mode

Lecture 13 Command Mode Keyboard Shortcuts

Lecture 14 Other Notebook Tips

Lecture 15 Markdown Basics

Lecture 16 Exiting the Browser Tab

Lecture 17 Completing Exercises

Lecture 18 Creating New Notebooks

Lecture 19 Jupyter Notebook Extensions

Lecture 20 Jupyter Notebook Summary

Section 4: Module 1 - Operators

Lecture 21 Getting Started with the Modules

Lecture 22 Arithmetic Operators

Lecture 23 More Arithmetic Operators

Lecture 24 Multiple Arithmetic Operators

Lecture 25 Change Operator Precedence with Parentheses

Lecture 26 Comparison Operators

Lecture 27 Comparison and Arithmetic Operators Together

Lecture 28 Chained Comparison Operators

Lecture 29 Unary Plus and Minus Operators

Lecture 30 Boolean Operators

Lecture 31 The or Operator

Lecture 32 The not Operator

Lecture 33 Combining Boolean and Other Operators

Lecture 34 Assigning Values to Variable Names

Lecture 35 Multiple Variables

Lecture 36 Python Comments

Lecture 37 Augmented Assignment Statements

Lecture 38 Other Operators

Lecture 39 Open Project Notebook

Lecture 40 Project Solutions

Section 5: Module 2 - What is Python?

Lecture 41 What is Python?

Lecture 42 What is a Computer Programming Language?

Lecture 43 Programming Language Implementations

Lecture 44 Specific Example of Different Implementations

Lecture 45 Language Specification

Lecture 46 Python Implementations

Lecture 47 Python Syntax

Lecture 48 Components of the Python Programming Language

Lecture 49 Whitespace and Indentation

Lecture 50 Long lines of code

Lecture 51 Python is an Interactive Language

Lecture 52 Running Entire Python Programs

Lecture 53 Why use Python?

Lecture 54 Module 2 Project

Section 6: Module 3 - Objects and Types

Lecture 55 Objects in the Real World

Lecture 56 An Introduction to Types in Python

Lecture 57 Writing Integers

Lecture 58 The Boolean Type

Lecture 59 The Float Type

Lecture 60 The Complex Type

Lecture 61 The None Object

Lecture 62 Passing Variables to the type Function

Lecture 63 Object Identity

Lecture 64 Dynamic Typing

Lecture 65 Built-in Types

Lecture 66 Object Attributes and Methods

Lecture 67 Accessing Attributes and Methods with Dot Notation

Lecture 68 What isn't an Object

Lecture 69 Module 3 Summary

Lecture 70 Module 3 Project

Section 7: Module 4 - Strings

Lecture 71 Introduction to Strings

Lecture 72 Strings Containing Quotes

Lecture 73 Strings with Escape Characters

Lecture 74 Empty Strings

Lecture 75 Unicode

Lecture 76 Operators with Strings

Lecture 77 Methods

Lecture 78 Method Chaining

Lecture 79 Find the Length of a String

Lecture 80 String Interpolation

Lecture 81 Selecting Substrings

Lecture 82 Selecting Substrings with Slice Notation

Lecture 83 Changing the Characters of a String

Lecture 84 Testing for a Substring

Lecture 85 Module 4 Summary

Lecture 86 Module 4 Project

Section 8: Module 5 - Lists

Lecture 87 Introduction to Lists

Lecture 88 Brackets have a New Meaning

Lecture 89 Lists are Data Structures

Lecture 90 Selecting List Items

Lecture 91 Mutating Lists

Lecture 92 Unexpected Behavior with Mutable Objects

Lecture 93 Confirm Objects are the Same with id Function

Lecture 94 Creating a Unique List Copy

Lecture 95 Discovering List Methods

Lecture 96 The append Method

Lecture 97 The extend Method

Lecture 98 The insert Method

Lecture 99 The remove, pop, and clear Methods

Lecture 100 The reverse and sort Methods

Lecture 101 Reversing a List with Slice Notation

Lecture 102 The count and index Methods

Lecture 103 Getting the Length of a List

Lecture 104 Addition and Multiplication Operators with Lists

Lecture 105 List Equality

Lecture 106 Check for Item Membership with the in Operator

Lecture 107 Lists of Lists

Lecture 108 Creating a String from a List

Lecture 109 Module 5 Summary

Lecture 110 Module 5 Project

Section 9: Module 6 - Ranges and Constructors

Lecture 111 Introduction to the range Object

Lecture 112 The range Constructor

Lecture 113 Viewing the Sequence Defined by range

Lecture 114 The bool Constructor

Lecture 115 The int Constructor

Lecture 116 The float Constructor

Lecture 117 The str Constructor

Lecture 118 More range Functionality

Lecture 119 Module 6 Summary

Lecture 120 Module 6 Project

Section 10: Module 7 - Conditional Statements

Lecture 121 Control Flow

Lecture 122 Python if Statements

Lecture 123 Indentation and Code Blocks

Lecture 124 else Statements

Lecture 125 elif Statements

Lecture 126 Dice Betting Game

Lecture 127 Multiple Boolean Conditions

Lecture 128 Nested Conditional Statements

Lecture 129 Ternary Conditional Operator

Lecture 130 Other Conditions

Lecture 131 Implied Truth Values

Lecture 132 Module 7 Summary

Lecture 133 Module 7 Project

Section 11: Module 8 - Writing Entire Programs

Lecture 134 Writing Entire Programs

Lecture 135 Creating a Python Program

Lecture 136 Running a Python Program

Lecture 137 Source Code Editors

Lecture 138 Downloading and Installing Visual Studio Code (New)

Lecture 139 Opening Python Files in VS Code (new)

Lecture 140 Running Python Files in VS Code (new)

Lecture 141 Running Python Files in the Terminal of VS Code (new)

Lecture 142 A Note on VS Code File Execution during the Course

Lecture 143 Creating New Python Files in VS Code

Lecture 144 Trivia Game Instructions

Lecture 145 Coding the Trivia Game

Lecture 146 Module 8 Summary

Lecture 147 Project - Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Lecture 148 Getting Started with the Choose Your Own Adventure

Lecture 149 Coding Choose Your Own Adventure

Section 12: Module 9 - Looping

Lecture 150 For-Loops

Lecture 151 For-Loops Looping through a List

Lecture 152 Looping through range Objects

Lecture 153 Example for-loops

Lecture 154 While Loops

Lecture 155 Doubling Money While Loop

Lecture 156 Finding the Square Root using Newton's Method

Lecture 157 Simple Guessing Game

Lecture 158 More Looping Control with continue and break

Lecture 159 While True then break

Lecture 160 Nested Loops

Lecture 161 Creating a Multiplication Table

Lecture 162 Generating Random Numbers

Lecture 163 Craps Game - Stage 1

Lecture 164 Craps Game - Stage 2

Lecture 165 Implementing Trivia Game with Loop

Lecture 166 Module 9 Summary

Lecture 167 Exercises 1-13

Lecture 168 Exercise 14

Lecture 169 Exercise 15

Section 13: Module 10 - List Comprehensions

Lecture 170 List Comprehensions

Lecture 171 List Comprehension Examples

Lecture 172 Conditional List Comprehensions

Lecture 173 Conditional List Comprehension Examples

Lecture 174 Ternary Conditional Operator in List Comprehensions

Lecture 175 Complex List Comprehensions

Lecture 176 Nested for-loops within List Comprehensions

Lecture 177 List Comprehension Summary

Lecture 178 Project Solutions

Section 14: Built-in Functions

Lecture 179 Intro to Functions

Lecture 180 Built-in Functions

Lecture 181 The any and all Functions

Lecture 182 The chr and ord Functions

Lecture 183 The dir Function

Lecture 184 The print Function

Lecture 185 The id Function

Lecture 186 The len Function

Lecture 187 The sorted Function

Lecture 188 Summary of Built-in Functions

Lecture 189 Project Solutions

Section 15: Module 12 - User-Defined Functions

Lecture 190 Intro to User-Defined Functions

Lecture 191 Functions that Explicitly Return a Value

Lecture 192 Calculating the Square Root of a Number

Lecture 193 Defining Functions with Parameters

Lecture 194 Defining a Function with Multiple Parameters

Lecture 195 Different Ways to Call the Function using Parameter Names

Lecture 196 Using Pre-Assigned Variables as Arguments

Lecture 197 Positional and Keyword Arguments

Lecture 198 Default Parameter Values

Lecture 199 Keyword-only Arguments

Lecture 200 Positional-only Arguments

Lecture 201 Built-in Functions with Positional-only and Keyword-only Arguments

Lecture 202 Documenting Functions with Docstrings

Lecture 203 Functions are Objects

Lecture 204 Function Attributes and Methods

Lecture 205 Some Built-in Functions are not Functions

Lecture 206 Anonymous Functions

Lecture 207 Use-Cases for Anonymous Functions

Lecture 208 The map Function

Lecture 209 The filter Function

Lecture 210 Refactoring Code

Lecture 211 Rules of Thumb for User-Defined Functions

Lecture 212 Testing Code with assert Statements

Lecture 213 User-Defined Functions Summary

Lecture 214 Project - Exercises 1-9

Lecture 215 Project - Exercises 10-13

Section 16: Module 13 - Tic-Tac-Toe

Lecture 216 Tic-Tac-Toe

Lecture 217 Create the Board

Lecture 218 Output the Board

Lecture 219 Get Player Input

Lecture 220 Change Turn

Lecture 221 Validate Open Position

Lecture 222 Place Mark on Board

Lecture 223 Check for a Row Winner

Lecture 224 Check for a Column Winner

Lecture 225 Check for Diagonal Winner

Lecture 226 Check for a Winner

Lecture 227 Check for Cats Game

Lecture 228 Check for End of Game

Lecture 229 Play the game

Section 17: Module 14 - Tuples, Sets, and Dictionaries

Lecture 230 Data Structures

Lecture 231 Tuples

Lecture 232 More on tuple Creation

Lecture 233 Ambiguous tuple Situations

Lecture 234 Converting Iterables to tuples

Lecture 235 Selecting Items from a tuple

Lecture 236 Using Operators with tuples

Lecture 237 Tuple Methods

Lecture 238 Attempting to Mutate Tuples

Lecture 239 Why use tuples when lists are more flexible

Lecture 240 Sets

Lecture 241 Sets can only Contain Hashable Objects

Lecture 242 Accessing Items in a Set

Lecture 243 Using the set Constructor

Lecture 244 Finding the Number of Elements in a set

Lecture 245 Set Membership Checking

Lecture 246 Extremely Fast Membership Checking

Lecture 247 Mathematical Set Operations

Lecture 248 Set Methods

Lecture 249 The Birthday Paradox

Lecture 250 Estimating the Probability for each Group

Lecture 251 Estimating Probabilities for Many Groups

Lecture 252 Plotting the Probabilities

Lecture 253 Dictionaries

Lecture 254 Dictionary Keys must be Hashable

Lecture 255 Dictionary Constructor

Lecture 256 Creating Empty Dictionaries

Lecture 257 Selecting Values in a Dictionary

Lecture 258 Dictionary Membership Checking

Lecture 259 Dictionary get Method

Lecture 260 Retrieving the Keys and Values Separately

Lecture 261 Get the Items as an Iterable

Lecture 262 pop and popitem Methods

Lecture 263 Mutating Dictionaries

Lecture 264 Iterating through Dictionaries

Lecture 265 Looping to Find the Average Score

Lecture 266 Tuple, Set, and Dictionary Comprehensions

Lecture 267 Dictionary Comprehension Examples

Lecture 268 Unpacking Iterables

Lecture 269 Single-line Unpacking

Lecture 270 Partial Unpacking with Star Notation

Lecture 271 The zip Function

Lecture 272 Finding the Lowest Score

Lecture 273 Module 14 Summary

Lecture 274 Module 14 Exercises

Section 18: Module 15 - Python Modules

Lecture 275 Python Modules

Lecture 276 The Random Module

Lecture 277 Different Ways to Use the Import Statement

Lecture 278 Alias Names when Importing with as

Lecture 279 Import All Names from a Mo
  • Добавлено: 08/11/2024
  • Автор: 0dayhome
  • Просмотрено: 3
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