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The Complete Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue: Books I, II & III - [AUDIOBOOK]

The Complete Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue: Books I, II & III - [AUDIOBOOK]

Аудио-книгиАудио-книги Рейтинг публикации: 0 (голосов: 0)  
The Complete Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue: Books I, II & III - [AUDIOBOOK]
mp3 | 1.08 GB | Author: Neale Walsch, Neale Donald Walsch, Ellen Burstyn, Edward Asner | Year: 2018

Description :
Few modern writers have had more influence on popular thinking about God than Neale Donald Walsch. The seminal trilogy of Walsch's ongoing exchanges with God- Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue-Books, I, II, and III-is brought together in this one unabridged audio edition. Walsch-with award-winning actors Ed Asner and Ellen Burstyn-reveals a God who is loving, believable, understanding of our weaknesses, and, most important, easy to talk with.

Category: Religion, General & Miscellaneous Religion, Religion - General & Miscellaneous

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  • Добавлено: 30/11/2024
  • Автор: 0dayhome
  • Просмотрено: 0
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Общий размер публикации: 1,08 ГБ
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