16.03 GB | 23min 38s | mp4 | 1920X1080 | 16:9
Genre: eLearning | Language : English
Files Included :
001 Micro-Service Architecture review.mp4 (81.29 MB)
002 What we will develop.mp4 (11.01 MB)
003 Learning styles - Suggestions.mp4 (22.38 MB)
004 How we shall start implementations.mp4 (2.93 MB)
001 Package Overview.mp4 (16.31 MB)
002 Project Creation.mp4 (26.88 MB)
003 Constants - Action.mp4 (36.02 MB)
004 More Permissions.mp4 (119.83 MB)
005 Permission access properties.mp4 (26.49 MB)
006 Claim Constants.mp4 (11.97 MB)
007 Permission Requirement.mp4 (19.4 MB)
008 Permission Policy Provider.mp4 (49.74 MB)
009 Permission Authorization Handler.mp4 (115.47 MB)
010 Custom Authorize Attribute.mp4 (33.35 MB)
011 Push code to DevOps Repository.mp4 (27.05 MB)
012 Setting Up Azure DevOps Nuget Feed.mp4 (99.07 MB)
013 CI-CD Pipeline.mp4 (53.34 MB)
014 Package metadata.mp4 (72.18 MB)
015 First pipeline run and Package release.mp4 (70.74 MB)
001 Package Overview.mp4 (23.05 MB)
002 Response wrapper interfaces.mp4 (21.78 MB)
003 Response wrapper implementations - non generic.mp4 (49.88 MB)
004 Response wrapper implementation - generic.mp4 (66.58 MB)
005 Response wrapper implementation - generic success asynchronously.mp4 (30.27 MB)
006 Custom Validation Exception.mp4 (25.99 MB)
007 Response Wrapper extension.mp4 (73.35 MB)
008 None Generic ToResponse extension method - nuget package.mp4 (10.44 MB)
009 Package metadata.mp4 (18.77 MB)
010 CI-CD Pipeline.mp4 (30.34 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (19.78 MB)
002 Solution Creation.mp4 (20.98 MB)
003 Packages Installation.mp4 (58.42 MB)
004 Application User.mp4 (44.13 MB)
005 05 Application Role and Role Claim.mp4 (13.87 MB)
006 Db Context.mp4 (80.68 MB)
007 Db Table Configurations.mp4 (46.99 MB)
008 Apply Configurations From Assembly.mp4 (11.48 MB)
009 DI - Db Context.mp4 (60.9 MB)
010 EFcore Migration.mp4 (191.48 MB)
011 Identity Models - Theory.mp4 (9.91 MB)
012 User registration request model.mp4 (48.26 MB)
013 More Identity models.mp4 (40.25 MB)
014 User role view model.mp4 (30.51 MB)
015 Role Claims request models.mp4 (24.52 MB)
016 Update Role Claims request.mp4 (30.43 MB)
017 Response Wrapper package release.mp4 (29.28 MB)
018 Package update and CQRS.mp4 (65.54 MB)
019 Package ID change.mp4 (80.63 MB)
020 User registration command.mp4 (42.23 MB)
021 User registration command complete.mp4 (22.21 MB)
022 User registration interface implementation.mp4 (82.09 MB)
023 Roles Constants.mp4 (34.9 MB)
024 Assign User to role.mp4 (103.9 MB)
025 Update User method definition and command.mp4 (17.42 MB)
026 Update User implementation.mp4 (56.72 MB)
027 Additional User service definitions.mp4 (8.26 MB)
028 Get user by id implementation.mp4 (50.51 MB)
029 Userservice more methods implementations.mp4 (75.56 MB)
030 Get User Roles implementation.mp4 (100.61 MB)
031 Get User Roles implementation.mp4 (100.6 MB)
032 Update user roles implementation.mp4 (150.71 MB)
033 Change User Password Command.mp4 (25.99 MB)
034 Additional User commands.mp4 (25.51 MB)
035 Additional User queries.mp4 (18.25 MB)
036 Role Service Interface and Create Role implementation.mp4 (53.97 MB)
037 Delete Role implementation.mp4 (20.7 MB)
038 Additional implementations.mp4 (27.82 MB)
039 Update Role Permissions implementation.mp4 (132.66 MB)
040 Get Role Permissions implementation.mp4 (257.22 MB)
041 Role commands.mp4 (28.38 MB)
042 Role Queries.mp4 (18.39 MB)
043 User and Role services to DI.mp4 (14.04 MB)
044 Seed Roles and Permissions.mp4 (152.03 MB)
045 Seed Users.mp4 (220.74 MB)
046 Seeder to DI.mp4 (36.68 MB)
047 Seeder test - DI Errors.mp4 (149.75 MB)
048 Seed test - Complete.mp4 (94.53 MB)
049 Token Service interface definition.mp4 (10.08 MB)
050 Token Service implementation part 1.mp4 (76.6 MB)
051 51 Token Service implementation part 2.mp4 (118.18 MB)
052 Get Claims for token.mp4 (92.97 MB)
053 More token helpers.mp4 (90.95 MB)
054 Get Claim Principal From Expired Token.mp4 (113.24 MB)
055 Refresh token complete.mp4 (126.21 MB)
056 Token Service into DI.mp4 (5.58 MB)
057 Token queries.mp4 (24.01 MB)
058 MediatR into DI.mp4 (16.15 MB)
059 Login Endpoint.mp4 (34.45 MB)
060 Refresh token endpoint.mp4 (18.18 MB)
061 JWT Bearer Auth into DI part 1.mp4 (99.9 MB)
062 63 Add Authorization - dynamic permissions adding.mp4 (57.82 MB)
063 Login test - pass.mp4 (41.91 MB)
064 User controller endpoints.mp4 (65.47 MB)
065 Role Controller endpoints - Assignment.mp4 (4.16 MB)
066 Role controller endpoints - Assignment solution.mp4 (23.67 MB)
067 Swagger into DI.mp4 (59.2 MB)
068 JWT Validation Parameters alignment and token testing - pass.mp4 (220.27 MB)
069 MediatR Pipeline overview - Request Validation.mp4 (11.56 MB)
070 Validation without pipeline.mp4 (104.27 MB)
071 Validation without pipeline test - pass.mp4 (28.59 MB)
072 Validation pipeline behaviour implementation.mp4 (267.87 MB)
073 Pipeline to DI and test - pass.mp4 (109.98 MB)
001 Api Gateway Overview.mp4 (9.87 MB)
002 Ocelot Repository overview.mp4 (30.26 MB)
003 Project creation.mp4 (17.6 MB)
004 Packages installation.mp4 (42.55 MB)
005 Login endpoint - config.mp4 (53.42 MB)
006 Ocelot into DI.mp4 (18.9 MB)
007 Postman Collection setup.mp4 (92.95 MB)
008 Login Test.mp4 (34.85 MB)
009 API Gateway Landing Page.mp4 (33.13 MB)
010 Gateway Authentication part 1.mp4 (68.69 MB)
011 Gateway Authentication part 2.mp4 (47.52 MB)
012 Permissions into DI - Add Identity Settings.mp4 (18.11 MB)
013 User registration Upstream and Downstream config.mp4 (111.81 MB)
014 User register endpoint - testing.mp4 (64.29 MB)
015 Postman Post-Response Script.mp4 (53.18 MB)
016 Upstream and Downstream routes - Get user by id.mp4 (101.19 MB)
017 Service Unavailable - The problem.mp4 (14.04 MB)
018 Service Unavailable - Middleware implementation.mp4 (83.28 MB)
019 Service Unavailable - Middleware testing.mp4 (17.45 MB)
020 Service Unavailable - Middleware to include domain name.mp4 (64.79 MB)
021 Service Unavailable - Middleware domain inclusion test.mp4 (52.32 MB)
022 Source code to repository.mp4 (12.33 MB)
023 API Gateway CORS into DI.mp4 (17.35 MB)
024 Where we are now - Arch catchup.mp4 (5.95 MB)
001 System Assumptions - Clarified.mp4 (28.74 MB)
002 Product Service overview.mp4 (11.35 MB)
003 The Solution.mp4 (15.94 MB)
004 Entites Definitions.mp4 (28.38 MB)
005 EFCore packages.mp4 (12.53 MB)
006 Application Db Context.mp4 (38.81 MB)
007 Product service request models - nuget package.mp4 (26.36 MB)
008 Product service response models - nuget package.mp4 (25.34 MB)
009 Packages installation.mp4 (4.94 MB)
010 Brand Service Definition.mp4 (20.64 MB)
011 Image and Product services definitions.mp4 (18.05 MB)
012 Product service implementation - Create product.mp4 (18.22 MB)
013 Product Service implementation Complete.mp4 (45.25 MB)
014 Image Service implementation - Complete.mp4 (57.37 MB)
015 Brand Service Implementation - Assignment.mp4 (6.03 MB)
016 Brand Service Implementation - Solution and Update Product refactoring.mp4 (14.41 MB)
017 Interfaces into DI.mp4 (13.56 MB)
018 Create Brand Command.mp4 (66.97 MB)
019 Validation Pipeline - Copy and Paste.mp4 (30.5 MB)
020 Packages into DI.mp4 (28.42 MB)
021 Create Brand Command Validators.mp4 (58.38 MB)
022 Create Brand controller endpoint.mp4 (35.15 MB)
023 Db Migration.mp4 (65.79 MB)
024 Create Brand command validation - Test.mp4 (73.55 MB)
025 Update brand command.mp4 (31.03 MB)
026 Update brand request validator.mp4 (48.93 MB)
027 Update brand request and controller endpoint.mp4 (25.26 MB)
028 Domain level validation fix.mp4 (18.9 MB)
029 Update brand endpoint - test with errors.mp4 (73.67 MB)
030 Update brand command - test change tracker errors.mp4 (57.11 MB)
031 Change tracker - clean solution.mp4 (39.38 MB)
032 All level security implementation - Explanation.mp4 (20.38 MB)
033 Updating Auth Library with Product service permissions.mp4 (169.7 MB)
034 Package - Auth upgrade in Identity Service.mp4 (130.96 MB)
035 Configuring Authorization in Product Service.mp4 (208.74 MB)
036 Permission Attribute used.mp4 (26.26 MB)
037 API Gateway - Product service brand endpoints.mp4 (71.36 MB)
038 Product service pushed to repository.mp4 (14.29 MB)
039 Product Service - Postman endpoint config.mp4 (39.81 MB)
040 Dev Machine switching - Video and Audio in sync.mp4 (29.56 MB)
041 Create Brand - Endpoint testing success.mp4 (18.31 MB)
042 Update Brand - Endpoint testing success.mp4 (18.2 MB)
043 Push changes to repository.mp4 (5.37 MB)
044 Assignment 01 - Brand additional endpoints.mp4 (34.55 MB)
045 Progress Overview.mp4 (3.09 MB)
046 Create Product Command.mp4 (21.49 MB)
047 Create Product endpoint.mp4 (39.6 MB)
048 API Gateway - Create product endpoint config.mp4 (10.92 MB)
049 Create product postman config and test - success.mp4 (26.26 MB)
050 Create Product request validator.mp4 (33.28 MB)
051 Create Product Command Validator.mp4 (52.87 MB)
052 Create Product validation postman - test success.mp4 (24.77 MB)
053 Update product command and endpoint - complete end to end.mp4 (38.92 MB)
054 Update Product validators.mp4 (70.28 MB)
055 Update Product validators postman tests - success.mp4 (9.53 MB)
056 Delete Product command and endpoint.mp4 (54.53 MB)
057 Delete Product endpoint postman test - pass.mp4 (38.91 MB)
058 Get Product by Id Query.mp4 (37.65 MB)
059 Get Product by id controller endpoint and postman testing - success.mp4 (41.5 MB)
060 Get all products query endpoint and end to end testing - success.mp4 (124.09 MB)
061 Redis Cache installation.mp4 (41.68 MB)
062 Cache Pipeline part 1.mp4 (72.97 MB)
063 Cache Pipeline part 2.mp4 (104.96 MB)
064 Cache Configurations.mp4 (34.12 MB)
065 Redis cache into DI.mp4 (46.09 MB)
066 Query caching config.mp4 (49.92 MB)
067 Cache behaviour testing - error and success.mp4 (87.12 MB)
068 Where we are.mp4 (9.6 MB)
069 RabbitMQ Installation.mp4 (21.58 MB)
070 MassTransit Packages Installation.mp4 (24.48 MB)
071 RabbitMQ into DI.mp4 (67.37 MB)
072 Adding Product created event to nuget package.mp4 (22.37 MB)
073 Updated Package installation.mp4 (10.98 MB)
074 Event publisher interface.mp4 (14.41 MB)
075 Event Publisher implementation and DI.mp4 (14.64 MB)
076 Product created event - command.mp4 (40.74 MB)
077 Product created event - published to RabbitMQ.mp4 (92.61 MB)
078 RabbitMQ second look.mp4 (26.98 MB)
079 Product deleted event - end to end.mp4 (101.69 MB)
080 Product Quantity Technical debt.mp4 (92.76 MB)
081 Where we are now.mp4 (12.19 MB)
001 Inventory Service - Auth Constants onboarding.mp4 (136.59 MB)
002 Identity Service - Packages update.mp4 (19.41 MB)
003 Projects creation.mp4 (11.39 MB)
004 Inventory Item Entity definition.mp4 (7.12 MB)
005 EntityFrameworkCore configs.mp4 (64.72 MB)
006 Migration.mp4 (21.73 MB)
007 MassTransit Packages installation.mp4 (34.93 MB)
008 Product create event consumer.mp4 (53.22 MB)
009 RabbitMQ into DI.mp4 (60.05 MB)
010 Product Created Event - Consuming test success.mp4 (27.53 MB)
011 Inventory item Model - nuget package.mp4 (58.29 MB)
012 Inventory interface definition and implementation - into DI.mp4 (45.84 MB)
013 CreateInventoryItemCommand implementation.mp4 (63.11 MB)
014 Helpers for barcode generation and request parameter buildup.mp4 (94.05 MB)
015 MediatR into DI.mp4 (19.4 MB)
016 Product created event - consuming and creating inventory items test - success.mp4 (59.66 MB)
017 ProductDeletedEventQueue consumer intro.mp4 (3.74 MB)
018 ChangeInventoryItemStatusCommand implementation and interface methods changes.mp4 (95.54 MB)
019 Product deleted consumer - completed and into DI.mp4 (29.47 MB)
020 Product Deleted event consumer test - success.mp4 (62.78 MB)
021 Announcement - Supplier Service Exclusion.mp4 (15.51 MB)
022 Delete Item command implementation.mp4 (26.76 MB)
023 GetInventoryItemsQuery - implementation.mp4 (28.61 MB)
024 GetInventoryItemByIdQuery - implementation.mp4 (22.7 MB)
025 GetInventoryItemsByProductIdQuery - implementation.mp4 (8.02 MB)
026 ChangeItemStatus - endpoint.mp4 (173.92 MB)
027 All endpoints.mp4 (20.41 MB)
028 Authentication config.mp4 (73.71 MB)
029 Endpoints protection by attribute.mp4 (21.51 MB)
030 API Gateway routes config.mp4 (33.67 MB)
031 Inventory Endpoint - Postman config.mp4 (40.58 MB)
032 Inventory Items endpoint testing - refactoring.mp4 (129.93 MB)
033 ChangeInventoryItemStatusCommand - Separate implementation.mp4 (121.63 MB)
034 ChangeInventoryItemStatusCommand - endpoint test success.mp4 (11.24 MB)
035 DeleteItemById - endpoint and testing success.mp4 (38.04 MB)
036 Inter service communication intro.mp4 (31.22 MB)
037 Package upgrade.mp4 (65.86 MB)
038 TokenForwardingHandler - implementation.mp4 (86.43 MB)
039 Register Named HttpClient - Config into DI.mp4 (93.29 MB)
040 GetProductByIdAsync definition and implementation.mp4 (127.64 MB)
041 GetInventoryItemByIdQueryHandler - Product Service integration.mp4 (65.96 MB)
042 GetInventoryItemByIdQueryHandler - Product Service integration test success.mp4 (85.06 MB)
043 Inventory Service Cleanup - RabbitMQ Values to configuration.mp4 (92.35 MB)
044 Product Service Cleanup - RabbitMQ Values to configuration.mp4 (64.47 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (13.12 MB)
002 Projects Creation.mp4 (9.64 MB)
003 Notification entity.mp4 (10 MB)
004 EFCore ORM configuration.mp4 (45.46 MB)
005 Migration - success.mp4 (19.76 MB)
006 Notification models package release.mp4 (21.13 MB)
007 Packages installation in Application layer.mp4 (15.32 MB)
008 CreateNotificationCommand - part 1.mp4 (8.91 MB)
009 CreateNotificationCommand - part 2.mp4 (43.01 MB)
010 RabbitMQ Consumer.mp4 (46.16 MB)
011 RabbitMQ into DI.mp4 (38.44 MB)
012 SendGrid signup.mp4 (15.37 MB)
013 IEmailSender definition and SendGrid Package installation.mp4 (16.66 MB)
014 Email Settings config.mp4 (19.84 MB)
015 EmailSender - Template generation.mp4 (36.34 MB)
016 EmailSender implementation complete.mp4 (176.94 MB)
017 UseStaticFiles middleware.mp4 (20.53 MB)
018 IEmailSender into DI and RabbitMQ Multiple consumer config.mp4 (83.63 MB)
019 Email sending test.mp4 (106.68 MB)
020 Email notification entry to database.mp4 (46.02 MB)
021 Email notification entry to database - test success.mp4 (11.21 MB)
022 Get All Notifications - query.mp4 (53.67 MB)
023 Get all notification endpoint.mp4 (21.41 MB)
024 Notification permissions into Auth library.mp4 (46.57 MB)
025 Security addition.mp4 (140.41 MB)
026 Notification gateway config and postman test - success.mp4 (53.53 MB)
027 Push Notification Service into Repository.mp4 (23.53 MB)
001 Azure Resources Overview.mp4 (14.21 MB)
002 Resource Group and Identity AppService.mp4 (50.4 MB)
003 API Gateway AppService and Overview.mp4 (42.35 MB)
004 AppServices recap.mp4 (12.22 MB)
005 SQL Database Server.mp4 (13.55 MB)
006 Databases.mp4 (44.18 MB)
007 Identity Database - Migration.mp4 (26.12 MB)
008 Product Database - Migration.mp4 (17.76 MB)
009 Inventory and Notification databases - migration.mp4 (8.87 MB)
010 Azure Cache for Redis.mp4 (14.84 MB)
011 Azure ServiceBus.mp4 (9.73 MB)
012 DevOps Settings - Release visibility.mp4 (12.28 MB)
013 DevOps - Service Connection.mp4 (11.04 MB)
014 Build Pipeline - Identity Service CI.mp4 (42.63 MB)
015 Release Pipeline - Identity Service CD.mp4 (48.64 MB)
016 Identity Service Post deployment verification.mp4 (6.47 MB)
017 Seed in all environment and Environment Variables config prioritization.mp4 (61.31 MB)
018 Adding custom configurations via release pipeline - part 1.mp4 (41.7 MB)
019 Adding custom configurations via release pipeline - part 2.mp4 (90.83 MB)
020 Adding custom configurations via release pipeline - part 3 Testing success.mp4 (83.32 MB)
021 Product Service CI-CD part 1.mp4 (29.37 MB)
022 Switch from RabbitMQ to ServiceBus - Explaination.mp4 (26.23 MB)
023 ServiceBus Topic and Subscriptions.mp4 (48.74 MB)
024 Product Service - ServiceBus Implementation part 1.mp4 (23.96 MB)
025 Product Service - ServiceBus Implementation part 2.mp4 (102.22 MB)
026 Product Service - ServiceBus and Redis Cache Implementation part 3 success.mp4 (130.33 MB)
027 Product Service - ServiceBus and Redis Cache Implementation part 4 - Testing.mp4 (113.04 MB)
028 Inventory Service - ServiceBus implementation part 1.mp4 (105.88 MB)
029 Inventory Service - ServiceBus implementation part 2.mp4 (99.1 MB)
030 Inventory Service - ServiceBus implementation part 3