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Calculus 3 (multivariable calculus), part 1 of 2

Calculus 3 (multivariable calculus), part 1 of 2

ВидеоВидео Рейтинг публикации: 0 (голосов: 0)  
26.22 GB | 46min 36s | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre: eLearning | Language : English

Files Included :
1 Introduction to the course.mp4 (126.76 MB)
1 The plane R^2 and the 3-space R^3 points and vectors.mp4 (32.55 MB)
10 Straight lines in the space.mp4 (32.36 MB)
2 Distance between points.mp4 (25.87 MB)
3 Vectors and their products.mp4 (20.45 MB)
4 Dot product.mp4 (39.55 MB)
5 Cross product.mp4 (44.94 MB)
6 Scalar triple product.mp4 (31.71 MB)
7 Describing reality with numbers; geometry and physics.mp4 (14.67 MB)
8 Straight lines in the plane.mp4 (41.43 MB)
9 Planes in the space.mp4 (40.13 MB)
1 Conic sections, an introduction.mp4 (24.82 MB)
10 Completing the square, problems 4 and 5.mp4 (101.64 MB)
11 Completing the square, problems 6 and 7.mp4 (91.91 MB)
2 Quadratic curves as conic sections.mp4 (39.73 MB)
3 Definitions by distance.mp4 (68.63 MB)
4 Cheat sheets.mp4 (28.26 MB)
5 Circle and ellipse, theory.mp4 (263.32 MB)
6 Parabola and hyperbola, theory.mp4 (61.43 MB)
7 Completing the square.mp4 (13.88 MB)
8 Completing the square, problems 1 and 2.mp4 (154.62 MB)
9 Completing the square, problem 3.mp4 (175.85 MB)
1 Quadric surfaces, an introduction.mp4 (27.89 MB)
2 Degenerate quadrics.mp4 (38.5 MB)
3 Ellipsoids.mp4 (31.89 MB)
4 Paraboloids.mp4 (170.32 MB)
5 Hyperboloids.mp4 (259.23 MB)
6 Problems 1 and 2.mp4 (94.28 MB)
7 Problem 3.mp4 (88.06 MB)
8 Problems 4 and 5.mp4 (122.34 MB)
9 Problem 6.mp4 (56.84 MB)
1 Neighbourhoods.mp4 (22.12 MB)
2 Open, closed, and bounded sets.mp4 (26.92 MB)
3 Identify sets, an introduction.mp4 (23.17 MB)
4 Example 1.mp4 (17.39 MB)
5 Example 2.mp4 (14.56 MB)
6 Example 3.mp4 (25.25 MB)
7 Example 4.mp4 (10.14 MB)
8 Example 5.mp4 (15.78 MB)
9 Example 6 and 7.mp4 (27.02 MB)
1 Different coordinate systems.mp4 (6.91 MB)
10 Spherical coordinates in the space.mp4 (28.41 MB)
11 Some examples.mp4 (23.53 MB)
12 Conversion.mp4 (26.99 MB)
13 Problem 1.mp4 (89.03 MB)
14 Problem 2.mp4 (142.15 MB)
15 Problem 3.mp4 (155.39 MB)
16 Problem 4.mp4 (51.01 MB)
2 Polar coordinates in the plane.mp4 (20.05 MB)
3 An important example.mp4 (35.08 MB)
4 Solving 3 problems.mp4 (146.36 MB)
5 Cylindrical coordinates in the space.mp4 (11.74 MB)
6 Problem 1.mp4 (28.92 MB)
7 Problem 2.mp4 (12.77 MB)
8 Problem 3.mp4 (36.85 MB)
9 Problem 4.mp4 (47.35 MB)
1 Curves an introduction.mp4 (27.35 MB)
2 Functions repetition.mp4 (24.41 MB)
3 Vector-valued functions, parametric curves.mp4 (44.81 MB)
4 Vector-valued functions, parametric curves domain.mp4 (24.82 MB)
1 Vector-valued functions, parametric curves parametrisation.mp4 (66.43 MB)
2 An intriguing example.mp4 (181.47 MB)
3 Problem 1.mp4 (55.56 MB)
4 Problem 2.mp4 (202.71 MB)
5 Problem 3.mp4 (74.19 MB)
6 Problem 4, helix.mp4 (118.1 MB)
1 Notation.mp4 (14.51 MB)
10 Example 2.mp4 (319.73 MB)
11 Example 3.mp4 (120.02 MB)
12 Extra theory limit and continuity.mp4 (163.02 MB)
13 Extra theory derivative, tangent, and velocity.mp4 (41.57 MB)
14 Differentiation rules.mp4 (348.96 MB)
15 Differentiation rules, example 1.mp4 (182.74 MB)
16 Differentiation rules example 2.mp4 (220.98 MB)
17 Position, velocity, acceleration, example 3.mp4 (148.45 MB)
18 Position and velocity, one more example.mp4 (138.13 MB)
19 Trajectories of planets.mp4 (124.82 MB)
2 Limit and continuity.mp4 (30.86 MB)
3 Derivatives.mp4 (42.5 MB)
4 Speed, acceleration.mp4 (26.04 MB)
5 Position, velocity, acceleration an example.mp4 (23.04 MB)
6 Smooth and piecewise smooth curves.mp4 (28.66 MB)
7 Sketching a curve.mp4 (81.43 MB)
8 Sketching a curve an exercise.mp4 (32.77 MB)
9 Example 1.mp4 (146.08 MB)
1 Parametric curves arc length.mp4 (61.82 MB)
2 Arc length problem 1.mp4 (99.54 MB)
3 Arc length problems 2 and 3.mp4 (108.79 MB)
4 Arc length problems 4 and 5.mp4 (108.83 MB)
1 Parametric curves parametrisation by arc length.mp4 (68.76 MB)
2 Parametrisation by arc length, how to do it, example 1.mp4 (112.39 MB)
3 Parametrisation by arc length, example 2.mp4 (250.58 MB)
4 Arc length does not depend on parametrisation, theory.mp4 (157.25 MB)
1 Functions of several variables, introduction.mp4 (33.13 MB)
10 Plotting functions of two variables, problems part 2.mp4 (183.09 MB)
11 Level curves.mp4 (53.03 MB)
12 Level curves, problem 1.mp4 (145.35 MB)
13 Level curves, problem 2.mp4 (92.43 MB)
14 Level curves, problem 3.mp4 (140.31 MB)
15 Level curves, problem 4.mp4 (227.91 MB)
16 Level curves, problem 5.mp4 (337.24 MB)
17 Level surfaces, definition and problem solving.mp4 (394.35 MB)
2 Introduction, continuation 1.mp4 (59.77 MB)
3 Introduction, continuation 2.mp4 (27.21 MB)
4 Domain.mp4 (15.65 MB)
5 Domain, problem solving part 1.mp4 (347.98 MB)
6 Domain, problem solving part 2.mp4 (212.42 MB)
7 Domain, problem solving part 3.mp4 (189.13 MB)
8 Functions of several variables, graphs.mp4 (104.79 MB)
9 Plotting functions of two variables, problems part 1.mp4 (318.71 MB)
1 Limit and continuity, part 1.mp4 (58.22 MB)
2 Limit and continuity, part 2.mp4 (30.34 MB)
3 Limit and continuity, part 3.mp4 (312.56 MB)
4 Problem solving 1.mp4 (300.26 MB)
5 Problem solving 2.mp4 (172 MB)
6 Problem solving 3.mp4 (442.18 MB)
7 Problem solving 4.mp4 (244.39 MB)
1 Introduction 1 definition and notation.mp4 (41.09 MB)
10 Tangent planes, problem 1.mp4 (163.09 MB)
11 Tangent planes, problem 2.mp4 (153.65 MB)
12 Tangent planes, problem 3.mp4 (191.58 MB)
13 Tangent planes, problem 4.mp4 (107.77 MB)
14 Tangent planes, problem 5.mp4 (175.64 MB)
15 The gradient.mp4 (52.61 MB)
16 A way of thinking about functions from R^n to R^m.mp4 (36.33 MB)
17 The Jacobian.mp4 (25.34 MB)
2 Introduction 2 arithmetical consequences.mp4 (120.85 MB)
3 Introduction 3 geometrical consequences (tangent plane).mp4 (62.73 MB)
4 Introduction 4 partial derivatives not good enough.mp4 (10.58 MB)
5 Introduction 5 a pretty terrible example.mp4 (315.8 MB)
6 Tangent plane, part 1.mp4 (35.41 MB)
7 Normal vector.mp4 (186.86 MB)
8 Tangent plane part 2 normal equation.mp4 (32.52 MB)
9 Normal line.mp4 (36 MB)
1 Introduction.mp4 (252.25 MB)
10 Partial Differential Equations, problem solving.mp4 (282.82 MB)
11 Laplace equation and harmonic functions 1.mp4 (127.03 MB)
12 Laplace equation and harmonic functions 2.mp4 (88.69 MB)
13 Laplace equation and Cauchy-Riemann equations.mp4 (151.84 MB)
14 Dirichlet problem.mp4 (21.54 MB)
2 Definition and notation.mp4 (31.27 MB)
3 Mixed partials, Hessian matrix.mp4 (66.24 MB)
4 The difference between Jacobian matrices and Hessian matrices.mp4 (27.24 MB)
5 Equality of mixed partials; Schwarz' theorem.mp4 (84.26 MB)
6 Schwarz' theorem Peano's example.mp4 (35.64 MB)
7 Schwarz' theorem the proof.mp4 (71.53 MB)
8 Partial Differential Equations, introduction.mp4 (19.97 MB)
9 Partial Differential Equations, basic ideas.mp4 (37.57 MB)
1 A general introduction.mp4 (84.38 MB)
10 Problem solving, problem 3.mp4 (717.27 MB)
11 Problem solving, problem 4.mp4 (330.27 MB)
12 Problem solving, problem 6.mp4 (189.88 MB)
13 Problem solving, problem 7.mp4 (119.81 MB)
14 Problem solving, problem 5.mp4 (615.48 MB)
15 Problem solving, problem 8.mp4 (388.14 MB)
2 Variants 1 and 2.mp4 (41.57 MB)
3 Variant 3.mp4 (72.05 MB)
4 Variant 3 (proof).mp4 (45.96 MB)
5 Variant 4.mp4 (42.71 MB)
6 Example with a diagram.mp4 (16.1 MB)
7 Problem solving.mp4 (36.2 MB)
8 Problem solving, problem 1.mp4 (65.48 MB)
9 Problem solving, problem 2.mp4 (188.55 MB)
1 Linearisation and differentiability in Calc1.mp4 (59.54 MB)
10 Linearization two examples.mp4 (68.22 MB)
11 Linearization, problem solving 1.mp4 (198.3 MB)
12 Linearization, problem solving 2.mp4 (184.6 MB)
13 Linearization, problem solving 3.mp4 (263.53 MB)
14 Linearization by Jacobian matrix, problem solving.mp4 (198.89 MB)
15 Differentials problem solving 1.mp4 (43.76 MB)
16 Differentials problem solving 2.mp4 (94.38 MB)
2 Differentiability in Calc3 introduction.mp4 (103.51 MB)
3 Differentiability in two variables, an example.mp4 (39.94 MB)
4 Differentiability in Calc3 implies continuity.mp4 (39.78 MB)
5 Partial differentiability does NOT imply differentiability.mp4 (32.59 MB)
6 An example continuous, not differentiable.mp4 (45.82 MB)
7 Differentiability in several variables, a test.mp4 (111.99 MB)
8 Wrap-up differentiability, partial differentiability, and continuity in Calc3.mp4 (55.09 MB)
9 Differentiability in two variables, a geometric interpretation.mp4 (76.94 MB)
1 Gradient.mp4 (30.31 MB)
10 Directional derivatives, an example.mp4 (87.37 MB)
11 Directional derivatives important theorem for computations and interpretations.mp4 (38.01 MB)
12 Directional derivatives an earlier example revisited.mp4 (53.83 MB)
13 Geometrical consequences of the theorem about directional derivatives.mp4 (35.37 MB)
14 Geometical consequences of the theorem about directional derivatives, an example.mp4 (40.01 MB)
15 Directional derivatives, an example.mp4 (141.23 MB)
16 Normal line and tangent line to a level curve how to get their equations.mp4 (32.11 MB)
17 Normal line and tangent line to a level curve their equations, an example.mp4 (66.99 MB)
18 Gradient and directional derivatives, problem 1.mp4 (193.04 MB)
19 Gradient and directional derivatives, problem 2.mp4 (227.68 MB)
2 The gradient in each point is orthogonal to the level curve through the point.mp4 (28.33 MB)
20 Gradient and directional derivatives, problem 3.mp4 (102.57 MB)
21 Gradient and directional derivatives, problem 4.mp4 (88.38 MB)
22 Gradient and directional derivatives, problem 5.mp4 (149.82 MB)
23 Gradient and directional derivatives, problem 6.mp4 (104.3 MB)
24 Gradient and directional derivatives, problem 7.mp4 (169.17 MB)
3 The gradient in each point is orthogonal to the level surface through the point.mp4 (55.02 MB)
4 Tangent plane to the level surface, an example.mp4 (42.82 MB)
5 Directional derivatives, introduction.mp4 (33.48 MB)
6 Directional derivatives, the direction.mp4 (14.82 MB)
7 How to normalize a vector and why it works.mp4 (93.9 MB)
8 Directional derivatives, the definition.mp4 (27.35 MB)
9 Partial derivatives as a special case of directional derivatives.mp4 (30.86 MB)
1 What is the Implicit Function Theorem.mp4 (62.07 MB)
10 The Implicit Function Theorem variant 2, example 2.mp4 (229.78 MB)
11 The Implicit Function Theorem variant 3.mp4 (71.6 MB)
12 The Implicit Function Theorem variant 3, an example.mp4 (61.32 MB)
13 The Implicit Function Theorem variant 4.mp4 (62.78 MB)
14 The Inverse Function Theorem.mp4 (42.25 MB)
15 The Implicit Function Theorem, summary.mp4 (44.93 MB)
16 Notation in some unclear cases.mp4 (26.97 MB)
17 The Implicit Function Theorem, problem solving 1.mp4 (430.8 MB)
18 The Implicit Function Theorem, problem solving 2.mp4 (207.29 MB)
19 The Implicit Function Theorem, problem solving 3.mp4 (50.82 MB)
2 Jacobian determinant.mp4 (19.59 MB)
20 The Implicit Function Theorem, problem solving 4.mp4 (113.78 MB)
3 Jacobian determinant for change to polar and to cylindrical coordinates.mp4 (23.46 MB)
4 Jacobian determinant for change to spherical coordinates.mp4 (34.31 MB)
5 Jacobian determinant and change of area.mp4 (52.23 MB)
6 The Implicit Function Theorem variant 1.mp4 (44.64 MB)
7 The Implicit Function Theorem variant 1, an example.mp4 (178.01 MB)
8 The Implicit Function Theorem variant 2.mp4 (55.3 MB)
9 The Implicit Function Theorem variant 2, example 1.mp4 (55.41 MB)
1 Taylor's formula, introduction.mp4 (34.53 MB)
10 Classification of quadratic forms, problem solving 3.mp4 (126.72 MB)
2 Quadratic forms and Taylor's polynomial of second degree.mp4 (146.82 MB)
3 Taylor's polynomial of second degree, theory.mp4 (46.93 MB)
4 Taylor's polynomial of second degree, example 1.mp4 (43.38 MB)
5 Taylor's polynomial of second degree, example 2.mp4 (26.4 MB)
6 Taylor's polynomial of second degree, example 3.mp4 (88.61 MB)
7 Classification of quadratic forms (positive definite etc).mp4 (46.08 MB)
8 Classification of quadratic forms, problem solving 1.mp4 (86.35 MB)
9 Classification of quadratic forms, problem solving 2.mp4 (150.52 MB)
1 Extreme values of functions of several variables.mp4 (52.96 MB)
10 Critical points and their classification a more difficult example (4).mp4 (1022.05 MB)
2 Extreme values of functions of two variables, without computations.mp4 (48.59 MB)
3 Critical points and their classification (max, min, saddle).mp4 (51.22 MB)
4 Second derivative test for C^3 functions of several variables.mp4 (51.24 MB)
5 Second derivative test for C^3 functions of two variables.mp4 (42.68 MB)
6 Critical points and their classification some simple examples.mp4 (35.83 MB)
7 Critical points and their classification more examples 1.mp4 (41.03 MB)
8 Critical points and their classification more examples 2.mp4 (41.43 MB)
9 Critical points and their classification more examples 3.mp4 (45.8 MB)
1 Extreme values for continuous functions on compact domains.mp4 (25.07 MB)
2 Eliminate a variable on the boundary.mp4 (46.03 MB)
3 Parameterize the boundary.mp4 (39.87 MB)
1 Lagrange multipliers 1.mp4 (69.56 MB)
2 Lagrange multipliers 1, an old example revisited.mp4 (90.83 MB)
3 Lagrange multipliers 1, another example.mp4 (125.64 MB)
4 Lagrange multipliers 2.mp4 (41.48 MB)
5 Lagrange multipliers 2, an example.mp4 (281.48 MB)
6 Lagrange multipliers 3.mp4 (34.23 MB)
7 Lagrange multipliers 3, an example.mp4 (49.94 MB)
8 Summary optimization.mp4 (48.54 MB)
1 The last one.mp4 (37.05 MB)
1 Bonus Lecture.mp4 (39.53 MB)]


  • Добавлено: 16/02/2025
  • Автор: 0dayhome
  • Просмотрено: 2
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Общий размер публикации: 26,22 ГБ
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