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Fashion Photography 101

Fashion Photography 101

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Fashion photography is one of the most sought after areas of work among
upcoming photographers, and who could blame them? Along with the glamorous
lifestyle and huge potential audience for your work, fashion—much like art—is
constantly evolving. From the Hollywood glamour girls of the ’30s and ’50s, to the
disco fever of the 1970s and the grunge of the 1990s, fashion photographers have
been at the forefront of every movement, capturing the iconic moments of each.
Some of the photographers have been even more celebrated than the stars they
were shooting.

Pdf | Eng | 160 Pages | 121 Mb
  • Добавлено: 01/07/2015
  • Автор: vangardy
  • Просмотрено: 15
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Общий размер публикации: 121,16 МБ
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